Sagebrush Smackdown AeroPanda Contest

If you make it here, the rest is simple and  you can win a BavarianDemon AXON courtesy of us

What do you need to do? (in any order):

  • Fly during the event like it's the last event of the season.
  • Have Fun.
  • Subscribe to our News Letter (Aeropanda News Letter)
  • Share on Facebook or Instagram media a cool picture, video using the followings tags: @rcaeropanda, @aeropandateam, #rcaeropanda, #keeprcalive, #smackdown, #bavariandemon, #axon
  • Not a social media guy (no problem) send us your post to and we'll do the labor for you.
  • Subscribe to any of our social media channel (look for the orange icons on the footer of this page) or make a review for us (here).

What we are going to do!

The members of our staff are going to select the winner base on:

  • Who show more the love for the hobby.
  • Best picture, video or post.
  • Most social media exposure.
  • Most share and more friends subscribe to our social media channels.

We will highly appreciate all the love that you share for us.

We are going to evaluate all the material until Saturday 10/7/17 @ 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

We will call LIVE to Mr. Brett Bowen  Fun Fly CD on Saturday 10/7/17 @ 6:00 pm Pacific Time or maybe go Facebook Live with all of you at the same time ;).

Thank you guys, we hope be there next year!

And remember...


