Elite AMS Competition Altitude Motor Switch, Variometer & Altimeter w/ - www.AeroPanda.com

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Elite AMS Competition Altitude Motor Switch, Variometer & Altimeter w/Telemetry (Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus2)


$ 65.00

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Elite AMS Competition Altitude Motor Switch, Variometer & Altimeter w/Telemetry (Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus2)

Elite Telemetry Sensor Micro Variometer & Altimeter (Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus2)Elite Telemetry Sensor Micro Variometer & Altimeter (Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus2)

Elite Telemetry Sensor Micro Variometer & Altimeter (Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus2)
The Altitude Motor Switch (AMS) is a versatile device suitable for several competition categories where the altitude or motor run time shall be limited. It can be used also as a standalone variometer. The sensor is usually connected between the receiver throttle channel and the appropriate signal input of the electronic speed controller.

The AMS contains a sensitive barometric altimeter/variometer which uses the latest MEMS technology to achieve a high level of accuracy, while preserving miniature dimensions. The sensor is able to detect changes in atmospheric pressure to indicate the change of altitude with resolution 0.1m. Using the integrated high power cables you can directly power the receiver and servos through the AMS from a BEC circuit of the speed controller.

Specifications and Features
- Supported Protocols: Jeti EX, Multiplex M-LINK, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus/S.Bus2
- Accurate measurement of absolute/relative altitude and climb/sink rate.
- Automatic detection of serial bus data and telemetry after startup.
- Configurable alarms on altitude and climb rate and motor shutdown altitude.
- FAI F5J, ALES, LMR: Limited altitude electric soaring categories supported (See .pdf manual for details).

Installation: Connect the AMS between the receiver and the electronic speed controller. To control the motor, select the appropriate channel on the receiver. Note that the sensor is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and also to mechanical stress. Try to avoid any mechanical stress on the sensor. To achieve the most accurate altitude measurement, pay attention to the placement of the sensor. The device should not be exposed to direct airflow and any close contact with heat-emitting objects (motors, speed controllers) should be avoided.

More information (links):
* Instruction Manual (pdf.)

Compatibility: Jeti EX, Multiplex M-LINK, Graupner HoTT, Futaba S.Bus/S.Bus2
Altitude Resolution: +/- 0.1m
Pressure Range: 300-1200hPa
Operational Voltage: 3.5V to 12V
Dimensions/Weight: 27mm x 11mm x 5mm/7g
Programmable: Using JetiBox, JetiBox Mini and JetiBox Profi

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Jeti Telemetry Sensor Fuel Flow MFlow Gas EX


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