5mm RGB Color Change Light, slow


$ 9.00

High performance 5mm LED in RGB These small LEDs have enormous luminosity with a relatively large beam angle and represent today technically highest performance for these LED types dar.

The lamp is barely warm, requires only a few Miliampere of electricity and is ideal for use in small models such as helicopters and Styrofoam models ( to about 1m) as well as for the night flight suitable.

This type is equipped with an internal electronic panel which automatically performs a color change and thus can also serve as a reference point on the model.

Electric: 0.2W reference power, 8/12V, 0.02A Beam angle: ~ 25 ° Dimension: D5x12mm (without cable) Weight: 1g (without cable)with 1m connection cable and resistor for 8/12V operation, plastic LED bezel Information about the reference power is a pure comparative value between the offered bulbs.

They usually refer to an operating voltage of 12V / 3S Lipo and depend on the light source, operating mode and technology.

  Pay attention to the operating temperature, we can not guarantee overheating.

  Attention: The LED lights are extremely bright! Never look directly into an LED! TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONNECTION